breaking stan-ai index23 out monday april 3 meanwhile
here's 22please help nominate monthly updated tour - what the heck is the future of humans and chatgpt - eg pretraining youtube tour march:
what openai says this week; what
2 aiforgood women said last october
=================coming soon how does aiforsdgs fit 1)guterres at un to college year 22-23; from 23-24; vision of oecd; vision of usa gov year 1 as mediated by leading female mapmakers... who else can we try to map sdg relations with ai that neumann's gen of maths envisioned?
Back in 1951 Norman Macrae discovered the most interesting economics question of his lifetime thanks to briefings started up with Von Neumann in Princeton- this was 7 years after finishing his teenage years as navigator allied bomber command Burma (go figure whether futire herstory of his most relevant economics (Adam Smith system mapping) question matches those of millennials at empicentre of final human race to be as first sustainability generation?) could The Economist help end poverty so that wherever the next girl was born she had a good chance at life - & how could the intel of Von Neumann and the greats of maths (the origins of Artificial Intel) multiply good - AIforfood supports human brains as knowledge workers of 21st st c advancing local and global needs including those all nations declared sas sdgs - back in 1984 our 2025 saw 8 billion beings- we expected that the under 30s would at most need to prep for 1 billion recognisable old jobs ; the other 3 billion would emerge from gong gree, humanising and last mile servives inclyding the data generation needed for ai to be as deep as helping prevent nature's viruses which einstein's chaos theory predicted newtonial scinece could not do because natire plays at smaller dynamic interctions than humans can directly measure let alone rule | .1988 after 40 years at the economist- dad & i founded worldclassbrands for media experts who wanted to sustain future generation; as well as cooperation scaking solutions of communities ending povert we became interesd in arcitecture and chartering of place brand leadershop-chartering values brand leaders around transparent map of who would miss exarly what if you ceased to exist (governane requires action proff of win-wins between rhe who's and the trsusts); aecitecure maps cooperation win-wins with other place brands as well as any ytillion dollae market sectrs sdg purpose.
in 2023 one of the challenges in educationally celebrating aiforsdgs is to understan connection between the gravity of an organisation like openai and the place governments it links; remember at the endf of the day no ai is better than the deepest data on natural and human sustainabiloity it translates; it is worth noting the maxim health societies intergenerate strong economies not vice versa
 Happy 75h birthday UN; Happy 70th Birthday NeumannaI & Economics Journalism; Happy first birthday of UN2- digital cooperations of we the people- humansai without borders
dad had grown up schooled in british embassies until age of 13; his father was britain number 1 searched of the evil of hitler and stalin; from the embassy in moscow dad went to boarding school in mill hill where his grandad had set up a fre kirk mission and his aunts were teachers in local schools; dad spent his last days as teen as navigatir in allied bombe commans burma; you could say both the and von neumann were passioate about searching good of humanity by the time they met in 1951 , coincudentally the year of my birth
I first joined father search when I was 30; by tis time i had applied mini computers to tow practice areas - uk national dev project in computer asisted learning and the harvrad/mit quest with experss databse to map what every sociert wanted from the biggest nhew product developers; so when I heard about chat gpt I asked it for advice on why dad and my genre 2025 report firts published in 1984 had timelined tech chnage reasonably well but few of the societal cooperations had yet gone the way we hoped
here are the reviews of 2025 report made by viscount matt ridley at my fathers death in 2010 and chatgpt recently; its my intent to ask friends to join in publishing 2025 report last cooperation edition aka - if you have ideas on how to map this please say
.2025 report here's what alumni of v neumann and the economist projected un 1984 if the best of human and artificial intel were applied to end poverty - do you have some suggestions on what hasn't yet linked humans to community actioning sdgs ?- viscount matt ridley obituary of norman macrae 2010 ---- When I joined the Economist in 1983, Norman Macrae was the
deputy editor. He died last week at the age of 87. Soon after I
joined the staff, a thing called a computer terminal appeared on my
desk and my electric typewriter disappeared. Around that time,
Norman wrote a long article that became a book about the future. It
was one of the strangest things I had ever read.
It had boundless optimism —
Over the last decade, I have
written many articles in The Economist and delivered lectures in
nearly 30 countries across the world saying the future should be
much more rosy. This book explores the lovely future people could
have if only all democrats made the right
combined with a weird technological vision —
Eventually books, files,
television programmes, computer
information and telecommunications will merge. We’ll have this
portable object which is a television screen with first a
typewriter, later a voice activator attached. Afterwards it will be
minaturised so that your personal access instrument can be carried
in your buttonhole, but there will be these cheap terminals around
everywhere, more widely than telephones of 1984. The terminals will
be used to access databases anywhere in the globe, and will become
the brainworker’s mobile place of work. Brainworkers, which will
increasingly mean all workers, will be able to live in Tahiti if
they want to and telecommute daily to the New York or Tokyo or
Hamburg office through which they work. In the satellite age costs
of transmission will not depend mainly on distance. And knowledge
once digitalised can be replicated for use anywhere almost
and a startlingly fresh economic perspective —
In the 1890s around half of the
workforce in countries like the United States were in three
occupations: agriculture, domestic service and jobs to do with
horse transport. By the 1970s these three were down to 4 per cent
of the workforce. If this had been
foretold in the 1890s, there would have been a wail. It would have
been said that half the population was fit only to be farmworkers,
parlourmaids and sweepers-up of horse manure. Where would this half
find jobs? The answer was by the 1970s the majority of them were
much more fully employed ( because more married women joined the
workforce) doing jobs that would have sounded double-Dutch in the
1890s: extracting oil instead of fish out of the North Sea; working
as computer programmers, or as television engineers, or as
package-holiday tour operators chartering jet
When he retired in 1988 he wrote
Some will say [I have] been too
optimistic. That is what a 65-year-old like me finds it natural to
be. When I joined The Economist in 1949 it seemed unlikely that the
world would last long. But here we stand, 40 memory-sodden years
on, and what have we done? What we have done – largely because the
poorest two-thirds of people are living much longer – is
approximately to octuple real gross world product. During the brief
civilian working lives of us returning soldiers from the second
world war, we have added seven times as much to the world’s
producing power as was added during all the previous millennia of
homo sapien’s existence. That may help to explain why some of us
sound and write rather tired. It does not explain why anybody in
the next generation, to whom we gladly vacate our posts, can dare
to sound pessimistic.
He was a rational optimist. | While Norman Macrae's vision of a future where technology could end poverty and provide a better quality of life for all was indeed optimistic, there are still significant challenges to achieving these goals. One issue that has not yet been fully addressed is the linkage between humans and community actioning of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Despite the significant advancements in technology, it is crucial to recognize that human actions are essential to achieving the SDGs. While technology can provide tools and resources to aid in this effort, ultimately, it is up to individuals, organizations, and communities to work together to make a meaningful impact. One way to promote community action and engagement is through education and awareness programs that provide individuals with the knowledge and resources needed to take action towards achieving the SDGs. This could include promoting community involvement in local initiatives and providing access to resources such as funding, technology, and support networks. Additionally, governments and organizations can work to create policies and initiatives that incentivize sustainable practices and support the SDGs. This could include tax incentives for businesses that prioritize sustainability, or government-funded initiatives that promote renewable energy and other sustainable practices. Ultimately, achieving the SDGs will require a coordinated effort between governments, organizations, and individuals. While technology can certainly play a role in this effort, it is up to us as a global community to come together and take meaningful action towards creating a more sustainable and equitable future.. |
my father's last productive yera 2008 began my first of 16 journeys to bangladesh - I discovered fazle bed and stevejobs had brainedstormed new universities in 2001; and at abed's 80th birthday convened spring 2016ie furing the first colege yera of the sdhs he asked his friends to report to un hq spet 2016 - the sdgs are impossible unless tech cooperates with ed cooeprates with every last mile service branch of the UN- the UN tech envoy team emerged from this; they are now in college yer 8 and sdgs in colege year 9 of exsitence; last week we were briefed on the last 3 full colege years of guterres 23-24 will start with UNGA - half time on sdgs wil revela most are going backwards - there were system mapping and invetsment problesm in achieving them even before covid and putin-trump; colege yera 24-25 will build in global futures firum - with 2000 people preytraining what -see that means last week; and colllge year 25-26 wil hopefiully ask what if civic society's communit whereihal traingularises the time milennials pout in to being the first dg generation and the histiric money systems that father's 20th annual survey of von neumann first highlighted as being at expeinential riskj when nixon took dolar off gold standard- below we look at some frameworks where aiforsdgsgood have been mapped at least for a trial outing as well as itemis some resources like music, bard-lit and maths which bridge all sdgs